Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How The Gap Uses Open Source Technologies - including OpenStack and Cloud Foundry - to Drive One of the Largest Consumer Retail Experiences in the World

At The Gap, open source is a critical component for an always-changing and evolving infrastructure to serve one of the largest online and offline consumer retail offerings in the world. The company takes advantage of a multi-cloud approach at the infrastructure layer and this includes OpenStack, widely regarded as the go-to solution for open source infrastructure. This talk will discuss the decision process in using and implementing both OpenStack and Cloud Foundry, how both technologies are being used today, and how they're going to be included in larger initiatives for the retail giant as the shift to a digital-first business accelerates.

Monday, May 21, 4:20pm-5:00pm (11:20pm - 12:00am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Domain Architect, Gap Inc.
Eli Elliott is the infrastructure architect responsible for private cloud at Gap, Inc. Gap's private cloud infrastructure hosts nearly all aspects of the companies omni sales pipeline. FULL PROFILE
Tige Chastain is the Platform-as-a-Service Technical lead for Gap, Inc.  Starting with the pilot of OpenStack for private cloud, Tige helped build and deploy OpenStack at Gap as the primary preferred IaaS platform for the Online divison of Gap.  Tige's daily duties now are administrating PCF as well as looking for strategic solves for CaaS and generic containers. FULL PROFILE
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