Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Spinnaker 101: Releasing Software with Velocity and Confidence

This Spinnaker course is an introduction to continuous delivery on cloud infrastructure. It will cover the first principles of safe, frequent, and reliable software releases: Immutable infrastructure, Deployment Strategies, Automation, and Operational Integration.
Spinnaker is open source software that enables reliable, repeatable, and fast deployments at scale and supports multiple cloud providers for infrastructure. This course will feature Kubernetes as the cloud provider, but the general principles learned would be applicable to other cloud infrastructure, whether hosted or on prem.

This is an introductory course aimed at IT professionals, system administrators, and Devops who want to learn about best practices in continuous delivery and leverage software like Spinnaker and Kubernetes to create fast, safe, and repeatable deployments.

The course is split into presentation and workshops:

 The presentations provides an introduction to Continuous delivery with Spinnaker & Kubernetes and are meant to help students understand the “why” before they move to the workshop. The presentations will cover Spinnaker Architecture, subcomponents, core feature set, and pipelines.

 The workshops provide hands-on experience with Spinnaker, Kubernetes, and Docker. Starting with a vanilla linux system, students will deploy, configure, and operate Docker, then move on to managing containers with Kubernetes, and finally using Spinnaker to take an application from code commit to production release on a Kubernetes cluster. 
Wednesday, May 23, 1:50pm-4:10pm (8:50pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
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