Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Cyborg/FPGA Support for Cloud/NFV

Cyborg is an emerging project, dealing with accelerators such as FPGAs in the cloud, which is a rapidly emerging area of interest for many players in the industry. It would benefit both Cyborg developers and cloud/NFV operators to align on what is needed and what is planned to be delivered, not only for Rocky but also going forward.

With that background, we (Cyborg developers) propose to engage with the operators on the following focus areas. Other topics are welcome to be added.

  • What use cases are the operators interested in, and in what priority?What workloads and bitstreams do they think is essential for a cloud FPGA service?
  • Do they plan to develop their own IP to any extent, or will rely on 3rd parties?
  • For 3rd party bitstreams, how do they plan to validate the bitstreams, if at all?
  • There is a train of thought that IP developers will hold their bitstreams confidential and not share with operators. OTOH, operators may want to validate the bitstream first before even adding it to their repo. What is their take?
  • Their top concerns/challenges and priorities, apart from the above.

Monday, May 21, 5:10pm-5:50pm (12:10am - 12:50am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Accelerator Architect
Sundar Nadathur is currently the PTL of  OpenStack Cyborg. He is responsible for orchestration of accelerators, including FPGAs and Smart NICs, in Intel. He has over 20 years of industry experience, spanning networking, virtualization and orchestration. FULL PROFILE
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