Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Self-healing SIG BoF

Automated fault recovery and optimization is one of the critical ingredients to a robust and maintainable infrastructure.

While some of the building blocks are present in the various OpenStack projects, the community still lacks a clear framework for a self-healing deployment. This forum session is an ideal opportunity for ops and devs to come together to make progress toward such a framework.

Over the past year, dozens of developers from 10+ projects have come together in the self-healing SIG to coordinate the OpenStack community toward the self-healing vision. Ops input on pain points, current practices, use cases, and future requirements will be critical to the continued success of the effort.

Reference to previous discussion summaries:

Thursday, May 24, 1:50pm-2:30pm (8:50pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Eric Kao is PTL of OpenStack Congress project and a software engineer at VMware, where he designs and implements policy-based management solutions. He holds PhD in Computer Science with a focus on the computational aspects of declarative policy. FULL PROFILE
Adam Spiers is a Senior Software Architect at Panther Protocol. He previously spent 7 years working on OpenStack at SUSE, leading initiatives to add support for Trusted Execution Environments such as AMD SEV to OpenStack, and to make it easier to deploy in configurations with high availability and self-healing capabilities. Adam has been a passionate supporter and developer of F/OSS since 1995,... FULL PROFILE