Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Defending the Cloud Castle: The OpenStack Weapons and Warriors That Are Keeping Security Threats at Bay

Security is at once the most consistent and most rapidly changing topic in cloud infrastructure. In this session, veteran security journalist Sean Michael Kerner will lead a conversation with a panel of community members, each of whom come at the topic of security from a unique point of view.

In this session, we’ll talk about: 
• Did the Meltdown/Spectre vulnerabilities impact OpenStack-based clouds more or less than anyone else, and was the response to the threat sufficient to meet the challenge? 
• Security groups in OpenStack: useful innovation or a critical catch-up feature? 
• What are the most common security threats to OpenStack? 
• OpenStack security checkup? What are the roadmap priorities with respect to security? 
• Vulnerabilities on the horizon: where should we place our priorities as a community of developers? 
• What priorities should users have for hardening their security: the application level (user workloads) or the organization level (formal agreements with cloud users to address cloud privacy, security, and reliability)? 
• What role, if any, do GDPR and other regulatory influences play in OpenStack security considerations?

If you follow Sean, you know he asks tough, focused and fair questions. Join this session if you’re looking for an illuminating and informative overview of the security landscape in OpenStack.

Thursday, May 24, 11:00am-11:40am (6:00pm - 6:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Sean Michael Kerner is an Internet consultant, strategist, and contributor to several leading IT business web sites. FULL PROFILE
Open Infrastructure Foundation
Clark is currently a Zuul maintainer and OpenDev admin. Clark's day to day involves making sure that developers for projects like OpenStack have the tools they need to build, test, and release their software. Clark has previously operated networks for large data centers and built software for aircraft radios. When not sitting in front of a computer or caring for his twin daughters he can be... FULL PROFILE
Red Hat
OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team (VMT) member working at Red Hat. FULL PROFILE
Cisco Systems
Dave McCowan leads security initiatives for the Private Cloud Engineering Team at Cisco.  He has been an OpenStack contributor for 6 years.  He is a former PTL for the Barbican project where he continues as a core reviewer.  He's an enthusiast of security of all kinds and holds a CISSP. FULL PROFILE
CERN, Senior Staff Engineer
Arne Wiebalck is a systems engineer at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. He studied physics and obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Heidelberg University in Germany, before he joined CERN more than 10 years ago. For several years he worked as a developer and engineer for CERN’s mass storage and distributed file systems. With the adoption of agile methods in CERN IT,... FULL PROFILE