Preliminary information: In-person attendees will also need to be registered for the OpenStack Summit for a one-day pass on Thursday ($399 that provides access to the full Summit program and covers meals and refreshments). Hotel information is also provided on the Summit site:
The Open Research Cloud (ORC) is a collaboration of the international community supporting scientific research computing. Having recognized that a number of significant obstacles continue to interfere with the ability of globally dispersed researchers to effectively collaborate. It focuses on the federation of data, identity, security, shared compute and storage; and an interoperable cloud services management platform.
The NIST Cloud Computing Program (NCCP) recognized, in the USG Cloud Computing Standards and Technology Roadmap (NIST SP 500-293), the importance of advancement and development of frameworks to support the seamless implementation of federated community cloud environments. In August 2017, the NCCP Public Working Group (PWG) on Federated Cloud (PWGFC) initiated a collaborative effort with the IEEE P2302 group, Standards for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation (SIIF), to advance Federated Cloud through the development of a conceptual architecture and a vocabulary. The IEEE P2302 will develop a standard based on the NIST model. Additional information can be found at
We are looking forward to the Vancouver Congress and making further progress the formation of ORCA as a federation of research clouds and regional federated cloud initiatives. Our thanks to the OpenStack Foundation for sponsoring and hosting this meeting in Vancouver.
The goal for this Congress is the review and finalization of the draft declaration as the foundational understanding under which ORCA will be governed and function, coming to agreement on the scope and sourcing of conventions and soliciting participants and test cases for the formation of supportive services.
The agenda for the meeting will provide an update on the progress to date, including an overview of the individual and joint efforts of ORCA, the NIST/IEEE P2302 working groups, the work of data management groups as well as how those efforts align with NIST/IEEE P2302. The working sessions will also cover identity federation, security, auditing, governance and other technical and policy aspects.
As before, we will be supporting remote participation. If you are participating remotely, please use the following link to register:
For in-person attendees, please use the following link: