Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Introduction to MetalK8s: An opinionated Kubernetes distribution

MetalK8s is an opinionated Kubernetes distribution with a focus on long-term on-prem deployments, launched by Scality to deploy its Zenko solution in customer datacenters.

It is based on the Kubespray project to reliably install a base Kubernetes cluster, including all dependencies (like etcd), using the Ansible provisioning tool. This installation is further augmented with operational tools for monitoring and metering, including Prometheus, Grafana, ElasticSearch and Kibana. Furthermore, an "ingress controller" is deployed by default, based on Nginx. All of these are managed as Helm packages.

Unlike hosted Kubernetes solutions, where network-attached storage is available and managed by the provider, we assume no such system to be available in environments where MetalK8s is deployed. As such, we focus on managing node-local storage, and exposing these volumes to containers managed in the cluster.

Tuesday, May 22, 3:10pm-3:30pm (10:10pm - 10:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Senior Architect
As a senior architect in the Scality R&D team, focusing on defining and designing delivery, installation and operability of cloud-native solutions. Professional background in cloud, distributed systems and automation for 10+ years, and long-term Open Source contributor to various projects in multiple stacks. Startup-minded, Haskell’ist and music lover. Has spoken at OpenStack Summits,... FULL PROFILE