Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Arne Wiebalck
CERN, Senior Staff Engineer

Arne Wiebalck is a systems engineer at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. He studied physics and obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Heidelberg University in Germany, before he joined CERN more than 10 years ago. For several years he worked as a developer and engineer for CERN’s mass storage and distributed file systems. With the adoption of agile methods in CERN IT, he got fascinated by the advantages of virtualization and clouds and joined the team running CERN’s OpenStack-based private cloud. Downstream he works on service operations and the management of the physical infrastructure, upstream he contributes to Ironic as a member of the core team and chairs the OpenInfra Bare Metal SIG.  

To Complete, not to Compete: Integrating Ironic into CERN’s Private Cloud Service
(R)Evolution in CERN IT: Operational War Stories from 5 Years of Running OpenStack in Production
Defending the Cloud Castle: The OpenStack Weapons and Warriors That Are Keeping Security Threats at Bay

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