Speaker Details
Joseph Sandoval
SRE Manager, Cloud Services/Infrastructure Platform
Joseph Sandoval is the SRE Manager for the Adobe Advertising Cloud platform. His team is responsible for the infrastructure platform which supports global advertising customers at hyper-scale. He has spent the last 5 years working with Kubernetes and sharing the lessons learned from adopting cloud native patterns on private cloud. Joseph has been involved with OpenStack since the Essex/Folsom release cycles. His team is currently running 6 production zones totaling 150k cores of OpenStack compute for Adobe Advertising Cloud.
Tue 22, 3:30pm - 4:10pm ()
Fostering diversity & inclusion in an open source world
Tue 22, 11:00am - 11:40am ()
Adobe Advertising Cloud: 100K Cores of OpenStack and Multi-Cloud with Cloud-Bursting to Boot