Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Anja Strunk

Dr. Anja Strunk received her PhD in 2010 and worked with OpenStack clouds since several years. Her main research topics are quality assurance and security in OpenStack.

Dr. Anja Strunk and her team analyzed network traces, evaluated security mechanisms natively provided by OpenStack, reviewed source code, performed live and remote debugging of common OpenStack use cases, and evaluated user feedback. Based on theses results, Dr. Anja Strunk and her team developed an OpenStack extension, called SecuStack, to meet the stringent security requirements regarding user data sensitive applications like in financial institutions, healthcare organizations or government agencies.

Since 2021, Dr. Anja Strunk is working in Gaia-X, had led former Provider Working Group and is Co-Lead of the new Service Characteristics Working Group developing Self Descriptions. 



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