Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Mihajlo Zivkovic
Swisscom Ltd., Product Owner

Miha has over 20 years of technical experience ranging from modern NFV technology to classical compute landscapes and utilising them to deliver state of the art custom and off the shelf applications.  He has Networking knowledge and is CISCO certified, allowing him to understand not only fundamental networking but get involved in detailed discussion when building and maintaining technology.

On top of his grass roots Hardware, Software development and networking knowledge, he is also a PMI certified senior project manager. This mix of experience and knowhow put him in a special position in his current working environment as a ‘Special Complex Projects’ owner where he is able to take concept to production with a mix of technology, people and practice.

He is a passionate person that fully believes in what he does.

KEYNOTE: OpenStack-based NFV Cloud at Swisscom: Challenges and Experiences

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