Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Beth Cohen
Verizon, SDN Product

SDN Product Strategist at Verizon, working on developing virtualized networking products and services. Involved in the OpenStack community since 2010. Helped architect some of the earliest large deployments, writing the documentation and designing the architectures. Co-author of the OpenStack Architecture Design Guide. Active in the OpenStack Community as a member of the Edge Computing Work Group, developing the requirements for building tools to support Edge for several projects (StarlingX, Ironic). 

Most recently working on Edge computing and Telco Infrastructure that support VNF and CNF type workloads. Architected several SDN products for Verizon, including Virtual Network Services, which is 100% based on OpenStack Infrastructure. Working on adding NaaS and SASE products. On the Open Source community side, she is on Governance and Technical Leadership committees in the role of  Co-chair of the Anuket Telco NFV infrastructure project and Chair of the EUAG (End User Advisory Group). 


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