Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Eric Sarault
Product Manager

Eric Sarault, B. Eng. is the product manager for Kontron’s (KCI) software and services portfolio including the development software platforms powered by OpenStack to deliver fully integrated OpenStack solutions suitable for customers looking to adopt OpenStack as their on-premise cloud and edge platform.

Before Kontron, Eric was the lead product manager for Internap's AgileSERVER and AgileCLOUD product offering which has brought to market the first multi-region OpenStack bare metal service with a wide variety of compute options allowing customers to leverage the flexibility of the cloud with a true bare metal catalog closer to traditionnal dedicated server lineups from legacy operators.

Prior to his role at Kontron, Eric played multiples roles in product management, engineering, software development, sales and operations at Internap and iWeb Technologies Inc.


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