Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Amrith Kumar

Amrith is a fellow in Verizon's cloud team that develops and operates the Verizon Cloud Platform (VCP), focusing on OpenStack and other open source activities, Database-as-a-Service for OpenStack, and working with application owners migrating workloads onto VCP.

He has been involved with OpenStack for several years and has been the PTL of the Trove (DBaaS) project for multiple releases. Before Verizon, Amrith was a founder at Tesora, a company that built a product around Trove, and made it simple and easy for customers to deploy DBaaS within their OpenStack deployments.

Amrith has a long experience with distributed and high-performance computing, distributed databases, operating systems, and complex application architectures. He is a frequent speaker at events discussing these technologies, and is an advocate for the benefits of adopting open-source solutions to address enterprise technology needs.


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