OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

The role of Neutron in OPNFV

OPNFV is gaining more traction every day. Concepts are not always easy to understand, there are lots of new acronyms, moving pieces and questions still open regarding its relationship with OpenStack and specifically with Neutron. In this talk we are going to give answers to those doubts and questions. We will start with an introduction of OPNFV, what's its scope, what are the differences with OpenStack and what value it provides. Then we will move on describing the role of Neutron and associated projects in OPNFV, the most common use cases and configurations. We will illustrate how the OPNFV and the Neutron community interact: we will focus on some key feature (e.g. vlan-aware-vms) and explain how they built towards future capability that will be needed by OPNFV.  To conclude we will highlight current gaps in Neutron from the NFV point of view and we will share our thoughts about future work and directions.