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Help Telecom Operators Save Energy and Reduce Cost of Data Center with OpenStack Watcher

The mobile communication network traffic tidal [1] is an actual phenomena in the telecommunication. For example, during the daytime, large amount of users gather in the CBD[2] area and the workload of network traffic system is high. When they get off work, the user numbers declines rapidly and so does the network traffic workload. The problem is how to fulfill user network service requirements with minimal energy consumption given the changing network traffic workloads.
As a real case from ZTE corporation, this problem is addressed by the following way. When the workload is low, we consolidate VMs (virtual machines) to several hosts by live migration, and power off the hosts without VMs to reduce power consumption. Correspondingly, when the workload boosts, we power on those hosts again and lively migrate the VMs back to them. 

We will present the above algorithms and implement them as a strategy in Watcher.