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ETSI NFV Plugtests: Challenges and results

Interoperability of the various components comprising an NFV system has taken on a vital importance as the development of different solutions progresses rapidly. Open source communities are developing multiple components, and the standards communities are forging ahead with their work as well. ETSI, which hosts the NFV ISG, runs the NFV Plugtests Programme to enable end to end interoperability testing among different VNFs, MANO solutions and NFV Platforms. The initiative has been joined by 48 organizations and is supported by multiple open source communities, including OpenStack, which is at the core of  many of the platforms participating to the testing. This presentation will outline the organization of the Plugtests by the ETSI CTI and the NFV TST Working Group: the technical challenges, the test plans, and the results achieved so far, which give a great indication of the industry progress towards the implementation of Telco-grade multi-vendor NFV systems.